Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Indigo Children, Indigo Adults, Kundalini 

Recently, someone wrote to me asking about Indigo Adults and their possible connection to Kundalini.  Here is the substance of my reply.  She began her letter asking first about the significance of seeing colors and images during her meditation.

Indigo Children, Indigo Adults, Kundalini

Frankly, I do not see anything all that unusual in your experiences.  Many meditators see color when they meditate, and indeed others see figures and forms, particularly when they are undergoing Kundalini awakening.  I cannot explain this except to say that meditation, and particularly when it is coupled with K. awakening, literally stirs the centers in the brain to produce novel patterns and images.  This is nothing to fear.   I speak from long experience of similar responses, particularly in the beginning stages of the journey.

As for indigo adults, I confess that although I was familiar with indigo children, I had not heard of indigo adults before, so I looked them up at the following site:


I think you would benefit a lot from reading this and other related sites, for these offer a description of this type of person.  Be sure to read the reader comments that follow.  Many say how pleased they are to find others who share their temperament and inner nature and are relieved to discover that they are "not the only one."

Did you know that the term indigo as applied to children simply means that they fall into this category on a color chart which a woman (the psychic Nancy Tappe) set up years ago to describe various kinds of children.  I assume that "indigo adults" are simply those who also fall into a similar category.  The color indigo does not describe the color of their skin and does not necessarily apply to the color of their auras (as far as I know.)  I happen to see auras always in some shade of indigo/violet/purple and I think I am simply picking up on the spiritual qualities of those I am watching.  Thus when someone sees indigo in your aura, I think that observer is simply noticing the spiritual aspects of your nature.

As for kundalini and indigo children and adults, I suspect there may well be a connection, since Kundalini implies a deep spiritual engagement with the divine energies of the universe.

I also think that the term "indigo child or adult" simply describes a type of person who has long existed in society, though not by this name.  These are the ones who often "do not fit in" with their peers. They are preoccupied with other, perhaps deeper, matters.  They are not the prom queens and kings or the football heroes.  They are busy reading books, communing with nature, or pondering questions such as the meaning of life.  William Wordsworth said of his early years that he was "not of this time, not of this place."  Mary Oliver, obviously an indigo child and adult, often skipped her classes in h.s. so that she could rove the woods and valleys and connect more deeply with nature.

Some of my most admired and creative friends dropped out of college, for they found the classes boring and irrelevant.

I actually have a personal theory which is that those who were lonely and felt out of place as young people often are the ones who go ahead to become extremely creative in the arts and sciences later in life.  They are often the change agents, the ones who bring innovation into the culture, for they are able to "think outside the box."  What Goethe called "mass man" is often afraid of change, for such persons cling to the known and familiar, the safety of the "group think."

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