Kundalini Splendor

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rare Astronomical Event--from Pachamama Alliance 

An extremely rare astrological event is occurring on March 20.  Among other things, a total solar eclipse will occur on the March equinox.  Many new beginnings will occur, and many endings will also take place.  This is the time to discard old possessions and ideas, and to begin or complete many creative and spiritual projects.  One can utilize the extreme energies now surrounding the earth to launch new life directions and make plans into reality.  This description below tells what to look for.  And my astrologer friends tell me that other unusual phenomena will also be occurring.

Don't let this special opportunity pass!  Seize the moment and go ahead and fulfill your dreams, with the support of the universe itself!

This event cannot be seen from most of North America, but its effects will be felt.

On March 20, 2015, three extraordinary celestial events converge: the March equinox, a total solar eclipse, and a New Moon which is also a Super Moon.

Many of us make New Year’s resolutions in January with high hopes. But it’s easy to lose sight of these commitments to ourselves during the hurry and stress of our daily lives. The cosmic events on March 20 will invoke powerful energies in and around the Earth. We invite you to connect to these energies as you renew your resolutions.

Equinox and Solar Eclipse
We are fortunate to live in a century in which the equinox and solar eclipse will converge four times. The last solar eclipse during the March equinox was in 1681, and after the 21st century, the next occurrence will be in the year 2387, so this is truly a rare event.

Important note: Please remember that safety is important when looking at or toward the sun. Eye protection is mandatory when watching a solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse and New Moon/Super Moon
A solar eclipse can only happen during a New Moon, when the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth, casting its shadow over the sun. The combination is especially powerful this month because the New Moon is also a Super Moon, meaning the moon is at its closest orbital approach to Earth. The Super Moon appears larger than an ordinary moon and also presents the greatest gravitational pull on our oceans and tides.

The Effect of a Cosmic Triad
The March equinox is a time when people might naturally feel invigorated and motivated to make changes in their lives. We could yearn to clean house, so to speak—to throw out old ways of doing things that no longer work for us and find new routines that unlock deeper levels of joy in our lives.

The New Moon is a time to renew our commitments. It is an invitation for us to devote more attention to what is most important in our lives—to focus our efforts on that which makes us feel vibrant and full of life. We encourage you to engage in a New Moon Action to solidify this commitment.

Take the time to write out your affirmations and wishes during the time leading up to this new moon, as the immense power and energy created by the universe will provide extra strength to you in following through on your promises to yourself. Meditate on what you want to see happen in the world. Take a long walk in nature. Make it a daily practice to open your heart to new possibilities, and you will be surprised by what you become capable of accomplishing.

(from Pachamama Alliance)

(image from internet)

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